Atlassian Confluence can be operated on three different hosting variants:

While the Server & Data Center deployments are completely hosted and controlled by the customer (for example, behind the firewall), the cloud variant is operated entirely by Atlassian.

Confluence Server and Data Center are basically the same product and differ mainly in the server architecture. This difference is not visible to the user.
On the other hand, Confluence Cloud is very different from the other deployments and should be viewed as a completely different product, even if it has a similar name.

The extensions (apps) in the marketplace must also be viewed in this context. The server version of an app is a completely different product than the cloud app. Manufacturers do their best to ensure that the deployments are as similar as possible. However, this is not always possible because Atlassian has limited the technical possibilities in the cloud. This can mean that a smaller range of functions is available, that functions are implemented differently or may not be included.


Aura Server / Data Center

Aura Cloud

Karma (Ultimate Page Builder)

(blue star)

(blue star)

Background Content

(blue star)

(blue star)


(blue star)

(blue star)


(blue star)

(blue star)

Content has character limitations

Child Tabs

(blue star)

(blue star)


(blue star)

(blue star)


(blue star)

(blue star)


(blue star)

(blue star)


(blue star)

(blue star)


(blue star)

(blue star)


(blue star)

(blue star)


(blue star)

(blue star)

Tab Group / Tab

(blue star)

(blue star)


(blue star)

(blue star)

User Profiles

(blue star)

(blue star)


Unsplash Integration

(blue star)

(blue star)

In-app News

(blue star)

(blue star)

Color Management

(blue star)

(blue star)

Macro Templates

(blue star)

(blue star)

Live preview in Aura edit dialogs

(blue star)

(blue star)

Preview in page edit mode

(blue star)

Most of the macros are previewed

(blue star)

Most of the macros are previewed

Insert a macro with a body into another macro with a body (e.g. insert Aura Cards into a Background Content)

(blue star)

(blue star)

Not all macros can be inserted into the Aura Background Content, Panel & Tabs. A full list can be viewed here in the section 'Compatibiltiy overview'


Marketplace Bug Bounty Program

(warning) (not available for on-prem)

(blue star)

Security Self-Assessment Program

(warning) (not available for on-prem)

(blue star)

Cloud Fortified

(warning) (not available for on-prem)

(blue star)